From the outside, hardly smell anything. Luckily I asked my friend how to eat it, otherwise I will just cut through it and causing a mess. Once I cut open the top portion, immediately I can smell the great aroma. The juice is sweet but with a little sour trace. The seeds are crunchy. To my surprise, my two kids like it. A simple Google search, found out the Passion fruits, leaves and flowers can be used for medical treatment purposes. Below are some extracts from the Internet.
- The juice but mainly the leaves of passion fruit contain the alkaloids, including Harman, which has blood pressure lowering, sedative and antispasmodic action. The passion fruit leaves are used in many countries as medicines.
- The flower of passion fruit has a mild sedative and can help to induce sleep. Passion flower has been used in the treatment of nervous and easily excited children, bronchial asthma, insomnia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal problems. Passion flower is sometimes used as a mild hallucinogen.